Healthy Morning Juice Recipe to Clean Your Arteries
Medically reviewed by our experts
Lisa King, the best selling author, award winning health influencer and pharmacist of over 35 years is sharing a recipe for a simple drink which you can make at home that will boost your health. Just one glass of this juice in the morning not only can clean up your arteries but also balance out your cholesterol levels. This is a super healthy juice that is not only simple and easy, but inexpensive too.
- 6 fresh lemons, peeled
- 1 pomegranate, seeded
- 15 garlic cloves
- 1 gallon of water
- Optional: stevia or xylitol to taste
Step 1 – Gather 6 of the freshest lemons and peel them. Set the peeled lemons aside.
Step 2 – Cut 1 pomegranate into quarters and gently remove the seeds.
Step 3 – Place the pomegranate seeds in a blender and pulse briefly.
Step 4 – Add 15 garlic cloves to the blender. (Add a little water if you like, to help it blend smoothly.)
Step 5 – Add the peeled lemons to the blender. Blend everything together for a few minutes until it’s nice and smooth.
Step 6 – Pour the blended mixture into a large pot filled with 1 gallon of water.
Step 7 – Let it simmer on low to medium heat for about 7 minutes, but don’t bring it to a full boil.
Step 8 – Strain the mixture and let it cool for about an hour.
Step 9 – Add a sweetener such as stevia or xylitol, if desired.
That’s it! Your refreshing heart-friendly blend is ready to enjoy.
Lisa King recommends drinking one cup of this juice every morning for 3 weeks. After that, give your body a rest for about a week and start again.
This is a super healthy juice that’s simple, easy and inexpensive to make. If you’re trying to balance your cholesterol levels, it’s a great way to get started. However, as powerful as it is, it doesn’t solve the reason you have high cholesterol in the first place.
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