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6 Ways on How to Get Your Body to Burn Stored Fat (2024)

By Nation Health MD Mar 29, 2024

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6 Ways on How to Get Your Body to Burn Stored Fat

If you’re looking to lose weight, one of the most effective ways to do so is by getting your body to burn stored fat. While there are countless diets and exercise programs out there promising to help you shed those extra pounds, many of them fail to address the root cause of weight gain: an imbalance between the amount of calories you consume and the amount you burn.

In this article, we’ll explore six proven ways on how to get your body to burn stored fat, including dietary changes, exercise strategies, and lifestyle adjustments. Whether you’re looking to slim down for health reasons or simply want to feel more confident in your own skin, these tips can help you achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall well-being. So let’s dive in and learn how to get your body to burn stored fat!

What Causes the Accumulation of Stored Fat?

The accumulation of stored fat is a complex process that can be influenced by a variety of factors. One of the most significant contributors to excess fat storage is a chronic energy imbalance, where the number of calories consumed exceeds the number of calories burned through physical activity and metabolism. This imbalance can be caused by a variety of factors, including a high-calorie diet, sedentary lifestyle, and hormonal imbalances.

Additionally, genetics, stress, and sleep deprivation can all contribute to the accumulation of stored fat. Once fat cells have formed, they can continue to grow and multiply, making it even more challenging to lose weight and maintain a healthy body composition. Understanding the causes of stored fat accumulation is essential for developing effective weight loss strategies and achieving long-term health and wellness goals.

Fundamentals of Fat Burning

Fundamentals of Fat Burning

If you want to lose weight and get rid of that stubborn stored fat, understanding the fundamentals of fat burning is key. The basic idea is simple – to burn stored fat, your body needs to be in a state where it’s burning more calories than it’s taking in. This can be achieved through a combination of diet and exercise.

First off, let’s talk about diet. If you want to burn stored fat, you need to be eating in a calorie deficit – that means taking in fewer calories than your body needs. To do this, focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods that are low in calories and high in fiber, like vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and whole grains. Avoid processed and high-sugar foods that can cause your blood sugar to spike and crash, leading to cravings and overeating.

Next up is exercise. Cardiovascular exercise like running, cycling, or swimming is great for burning calories and getting your heart rate up, which can help your body to burn stored fat. Resistance training is also important, as it helps to build lean muscle mass, which can boost your metabolism and make it easier to burn calories even when you’re not exercising.

Finally, don’t forget about lifestyle factors like sleep and stress management. Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night, as sleep deprivation can interfere with fat burning and increase cravings for unhealthy foods. Managing stress through techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can also help to promote fat burning and improve overall health. So get moving, eat healthy, and take care of yourself – you’ve got this!

How to Burn Stored Fat

Old person exercising

If you’re looking to lose weight and get rid of stubborn stored fat, you’ve come to the right place. Burning stored fat can seem like an uphill battle, but with the right strategies and mindset, it’s definitely possible. From dietary changes to exercise routines, there are plenty of ways to kickstart your body’s fat-burning process and achieve your weight loss goals.

We’ll share some effective tips and tricks for burning stored fat, so you can feel confident and healthy in your own skin. So let’s get started and learn how to burn stored fat like a pro!

1. Incorporate Whole Foods-Based Meals into Your Diet

Incorporating whole foods-based meals into your diet is a great way to support your body in using fat for energy. Whole foods like vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and healthy fats are rich in nutrients and fiber, which can help you feel full and satisfied while also providing your body with the energy it needs to function at its best.

When you eat whole foods, you’re also less likely to consume excess calories and unhealthy fats, which can lead to weight gain and sluggishness. To get started with incorporating more whole foods into your diet, try swapping out processed snacks and meals for fresh, homemade options.

For example, instead of reaching for a bag of chips, try slicing up some veggies and dipping them in hummus. Or, swap out your usual pasta dish for a zucchini noodle dish with a homemade tomato sauce. These small changes can add up to big results over time, as you’ll be providing your body with the nutrients it needs to thrive while also using fat for energy. So why not give it a try and see how delicious and energizing whole foods-based meals can be?

2. Cardio & HIIT

Old man doing cardio

If you’re looking to burn fat and get in shape, cardio and HIIT workouts are definitely worth considering. These types of exercise are great for increasing your heart rate, boosting your metabolism, and ultimately helping your body to burn fat.

When does your body start burning fat during cardio and HIIT workouts? The answer is that it varies from person to person, but typically, your body will start to use stored fat for energy after about 20-30 minutes of continuous exercise. This is why longer cardio sessions can be effective for fat burning, but it’s also why HIIT workouts can be a great option.

HIIT (high-intensity interval training) involves short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise. This type of workout can be a great way to burn fat because it keeps your body guessing and constantly working to adapt to new challenges.

So whether you prefer longer cardio sessions or high-intensity intervals, incorporating these types of workouts into your routine can be a great way to get your body burning fat and reaching your fitness goals.

3. Increase Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)

If you want to increase your body’s ability to burn fat, one effective strategy is to increase your Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT). NEAT refers to the energy you burn throughout the day during activities that aren’t exercise, like walking, cleaning, or even fidgeting. When you increase your NEAT, you can boost your overall calorie burn and help your body to use stored fat for energy.

So, when does your body start eating fat during NEAT activities? The answer is that it depends on a variety of factors, including your individual metabolism and the intensity of the activity. However, in general, your body will start to use stored fat for energy when it needs more fuel than is immediately available from the food you’ve eaten.

To increase your NEAT and encourage your body to burn fat, try incorporating more movement into your day-to-day activities. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or bike instead of driving, and find ways to move more throughout the day.

These small changes can add up to big results over time and help you achieve your weight loss goals while also improving your overall health and well-being.

4. Stay Hydrated

Old man drinking water

Did you know that staying hydrated is an important factor in preventing your body from storing fat? When you don’t drink enough water, your body can mistake thirst for hunger and lead to overeating, which can cause your body to store excess calories as fat. Additionally, dehydration can slow down your metabolism and make it more difficult for your body to burn calories efficiently.

To stop your body from storing fat and encourage weight loss, it’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day. The general recommendation is to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, but your individual needs may vary depending on your activity level and other factors. In addition to plain water, you can also hydrate with other low-calorie options like herbal tea or infused water. Drinking water before meals can also help you feel fuller and eat less, which can help prevent overeating and excess calorie consumption.

So if you’re looking for a simple and effective way to improve your weight loss efforts, try making hydration a top priority and see how it can help you stop your body from storing fat.

5. Practice Intermittent Calorie Restriction

Are you struggling to lose weight and looking for a way to stop your body from storing fat? Intermittent calorie restriction is a popular method that involves limiting calorie intake for certain periods of time, followed by periods of normal or slightly higher calorie consumption. This can help prevent your body from adapting to a low-calorie diet and slow down your metabolism, which can make it harder to lose weight in the long run.

Intermittent calorie restriction can also help improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and increase levels of adiponectin, a hormone that regulates glucose and fat metabolism. However, it’s important to note that this approach may not be suitable for everyone and should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Additionally, it’s important to focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods during your eating periods and not use this method as an excuse to indulge in unhealthy foods. So if you’re interested in trying intermittent calorie restriction to stop your body from storing fat and promote weight loss, be sure to do your research and speak with a healthcare provider to determine if it’s the right choice for you.

6. Try Fasting

Plate resembling an analog clock

If you’re looking for a way to burn stored fat and promote weight loss, fasting is an approach worth considering. Fasting involves abstaining from food for a period of time, ranging from several hours to several days.

During fasting, your body begins to use stored fat for energy instead of glucose from food, leading to fat burning and weight loss. Fasting has also been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and increase levels of human growth hormone, which helps to preserve lean muscle mass. There are several types of fasting, including intermittent fasting, which involves restricting food intake for certain periods of time, and extended fasting, which involves longer periods of food restriction.

It’s important to note that fasting may not be suitable for everyone and should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Additionally, it’s important to focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods during your eating periods to ensure that your body is getting the necessary nutrients to function properly.

So if you’re interested in trying fasting as a way to burn stored fat and improve your health, be sure to do your research and consult with a healthcare provider to determine if it’s the right approach for you.

Boost Your Stored Fat Burning With Supplements

If you’re looking for a way to boost your body’s ability to burn stored fat, supplements may be an effective option to consider. One supplement that can be particularly helpful for fat burning is Liver Renew recommended by Lisa King, RPh.

NHMD® Liver Renew Product Bottle

This supplement is designed to support liver function, which plays a key role in the body’s ability to metabolize fats and remove toxins. When your liver is functioning optimally, it can help your body to more efficiently break down stored fat and use it for energy.

Liver Renew contains a combination of natural ingredients, including:

  • milk thistle
  • turmeric
  • artichoke extract

Which are known for their liver-supportive properties. In addition to supporting fat burning, Liver Renew from Nation Health MD, may also help to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and support overall liver health. To use Liver Renew for fat burning, simply take the recommended dosage as directed and combine it with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

While supplements can be a helpful addition to a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to note that they are not a substitute for healthy habits. To get the most out of Liver Renew and any other supplement, be sure to focus on consuming a nutrient-dense diet, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and incorporating exercise into your routine.

With the right approach, you can optimize your body’s ability to burn stored fat and achieve your weight loss goals.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, burning stored fat and achieving weight loss can be a challenging but rewarding journey. By incorporating strategies like whole foods-based meals, cardio and HIIT, staying hydrated, and practicing intermittent calorie restriction or fasting, you can help your body optimize its ability to burn stored fat.

It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s also important to approach weight loss with a focus on sustainable lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes.

By making small, gradual changes and celebrating your successes along the way, you can achieve your weight loss goals and live a healthier, happier life.

How do I get my body to burn stored fat?

One effective way to encourage your body to burn stored fat is to create a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than you burn. This can be achieved through a combination of diet and exercise, including cardio and resistance training. It’s also important to stay hydrated, get enough sleep, and manage stress levels to optimize fat burning.

How can I use stored fat for energy?

Your body uses stored fat for energy when it needs more fuel than is immediately available from the food you’ve eaten. This typically occurs after about 20-30 minutes of continuous exercise. To encourage your body to use stored fat for energy, try incorporating longer cardio sessions or high-intensity interval training into your workout routine.

How long until my body starts burning fat?

The length of time it takes for your body to start burning fat depends on a variety of factors, including your individual metabolism and the intensity of your exercise. However, typically your body will start to use stored fat for energy after about 20-30 minutes of continuous exercise.

How long does it take for my body to start burning stored fat?

Again, the time it takes for your body to start burning stored fat varies from person to person and can depend on factors like diet and exercise. However, in general, your body will start to use stored fat for energy after about 20-30 minutes of continuous exercise.

How long does it take for fat to burn?

The length of time it takes for fat to burn varies depending on factors like diet, exercise, and metabolism. However, generally speaking, fat burning can occur over a period of weeks or even months, depending on the individual. It’s important to focus on sustainable lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes, as this can lead to long-term success in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

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